Jadikan hari ini lebih baik dari hari kemarin dan hari esok lebih baik dari hari ini !

Sabtu, 07 Juni 2014


My Daily Activity
This my story my daily activity. Everyday, I usually get up early in the morning at 05.00 a.m. I pray Subuh and clean my bedroom. At 05.45 a.m. I brush my teeth and take a bath. Then I put on my uniform work, have breakfast and sometimes watch the news on TV. I go to work at 06.15 a.m. I usually go to work by motorcycle. I arrived at my office at 07.30 a.m. I work at Rawamangun, Jakarta.My position as Customer Service Officer at Bank Central Asia Rawamangun branch. My work start at 08.15 a.m. And then I take a rest at 12.00 p.m. I go to pray Zuhur and lunch finish at 01.00 p.m. I come back to work. Then at 04.00 p.m. I go to pray Ashar  I finished work and then I go to the campus for college. I arrived at campus 06.30 p.m.  Before college I pray Magrib first. My campus at Gunadarma University Bekasi. I finished college at 09.00 p.m. And then I go to home and arrived at 10.00 p.m. I brush my teeth and take a bath. Then I pray Isya. Sometimes if I hungry before sleep I go to eat. The last I go to bed at 11.00 p.m.

Selasa, 22 April 2014


Job Seeker      :           Excuse me, Sir. May I come in?

Interviewer    :           Yes. Please, come in and have a seat.

Job Seeker      :           Thank you Sir.

Interviewer    :           Ok. Tell me about yourself !

Job Seeker      :           My name is Ahmad Budi, I am a fresh graduate at English department of  Gunadarma University. Even though a fresh graduate, I have experiences as private teacher for 3 years, lecture assistant for about 2 years, and a leader of the biggest English club in my University. I am also an Internet Marketing expert so it is quite useful for your product selling.

Interviewer    :           What about this job interests you?

Job Seeker      :           Your company is one of my top choices and I come here because my experiences and interests are quite useful for this educational company. I can teach the students and I can also handle the task of marketing by internet. As I told before that Internet marketing is one of my expertise.

Interviewer    :           What are your career expectations and would you tell me what do you see yourself five years from now?

Job Seeker      :           Within 5 years, I am going to generate your company as the top 5 educational companies in Indonesia. I will improve my teaching capabilities by following the course and take so many additional seminars. Also, I would like to take online school in order to improve my marketing strategy in order to help this company branding indludes the wider market.

Interviewer    :           Why did you leave your job as a private teacher?

Job Seeker      :           I dream big and your company is the solution for me. When I was a leader in educational institute of private teacher, I think that place was not my own. I have to be bigger and smarter. So, I left my position as a leader and decided to join your company. Here, I can reach the higher personal branding, the wider market, and the great experiences of my work.

Interviewer    :           What are your strengths?

Job Seeker      :           I have a good flexibility like changing a job to another in a fast response. Second, because my last job was a manager, I am capable to manage people , turn the negative environment out, and develop a productive team.

Interviewer    :           What are your weaknesses and how will you improve all of those?

Job Seeker      :           My weakness is hard to adapt with the new situation. But for the 2 years experiences as a manager of the private teachers institute, I can reduce my weakness so well. I learned how to face the new situations and fixed the problems in a great solution.

Interviewer    :           What are your salary expectations?

Job Seeker      :           I will need more information about my all responsibilities and tasks in this company. It would be great if you could give me an idea about the budget that your company arranged for me.

Interviewer    :           OK. Thanks for your answer. I will contact you two week again Mr Ahmad.

Job Seeker      :           Okey thanks. I hope to get  good news from you.

Referensi : http://www.caramudahbelajarbahasainggris.net/2013/06/contoh-interview-bahasa-inggris-dan-tips-menjawab-dengan-baik.html

Minggu, 23 Maret 2014


1.    Full Block Style
Full block style letter format is considered as the most formal letter format from the format or another form letter. In a letter full block style shaped in the letter of each line using the left. Although there are no official regulations on the use of full block style format but a full block style format commonly used in a query letter, announcements, persetujuaan, job applications.

See the full block style format below:

Example :

2.    Block Style
Block style format or also can be called a simple letter format is a format letters are almost the same arrangement with a full block style that uses the left. Just writing the date, the name of the sender of a letter written in the light of the right letter.

See the block style format below:


Example :

3.    Semi Block Style
Semi-block style letter format as in another letter format used for official letter whose position is less formal than the full block style. Unlike the full block and block style styel, each paragraph formatted contents of the letter semi block style indented.

See the semi block style format below:

 Example :

 4.    Intended Style
Format or form letter intended this style is almost the same as the block style, the difference is in the writing addresses that resemble stairs.

See the intended style format below:


 Example :

5.    Hanging Style
While the format or form letters distinguish themselves with style hanging block style with Alenia write first letter of each paragraph is not indented, while Alenia later on further inside.

See the hanging style format below :

Minggu, 09 Maret 2014


Block Style
Format block style atau juga bisa disebut format surat simpel merupakan format surat yang susunannya hampir sama dengan full block style yaitu menggunakan rata kiri. Hanya penulisan tanggal, nama terang pengirim surat ditulis di sebelah kanan surat.

Perhatikan format block style berikut:

Jalan Surya Kencana 16

7 April 2007
Nomor : 01/A/IV/05
Lampiran: –
Perihal :
Buku Tulis ABC
Kepada CV. “Berdikari”
Jalan A. Yani 21
Dengan hormat.
Dari iklan yang dimuat di Harian Sinar Harapan yang terbit 3 bulan ini kami membaca bahwa Tuan mempunyai cukup
persediaan Buku Tulis ABC dengan kertas HVS berisi 50 dan 60 halaman.
Oleh karena iklannya hanya menjelaskan dengan dijual “Banting” maka dengan keterangan itu kami minta Tuan suka memberikan keterangan lebih lanjut tentang harga yang dimaksudkan. Hal itu perlu kami tanyakan tentang berapa harga dan bagaimana tentang potongan atau premi yang dapat kami peroleh, apabila kami membeli dalam partai besar.
Jika nanti syarat-syaratnya memuaskan dan kami setuju, maka kami akan memesan paling sedikit 30 peti dari setiap
jenis barang yang Tuan tawarkan itu.
Kami sangat menunggu keterangan Tuan secepatnya, hingga kami dapat mengatur pesanan yang akan kami kirimkan
dengan segera.
       Hormat kami,

           Mike M
Tembusan :
CV. Aneka Sarana

Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 124 Jakarta
Telp. (021) 1233 99999 Fax (021) 1233 99995

                                                                                                                                                Jakarta, 12 Maret 2014

No.           : 921/SK/VI/2013
12 Juni 2013                                                                     
Lampiran  :        -
Hal            : Pesanan barang

Yth. Sulastri
Kabag. Perbekalan PT. Mandiri
Jl. Kapt. Tandean No. 23

Dengan Hormat,

Berdasarkan informasi dari salah seorang karyawan agian pemasaran, kami ingin memesan barang-barang sebagai berikut.

 Rp. 5.000.000
 Rp 25.000.000
Rp 500.000
 Rp 1.000.000
 Rp 700.000
Rp 2.800.000
 Rp 5.000
 Rp 25.000
Mengenai pembayaran akan segera kami kirimkan setelah barang tersebut kami terima.

Atas perhatian dan kerja sama saudara, kami mengucapkan terima kasih.

      Hormat Kami,

       Sugiono, SE
Direktur Pemasaran

Jln. Panglima Polem Raya No.21


Ref : KB/LG/14F                                                                                                                                   11th April, 2013

Mr. Walter D. Spencer

Purchase manager

Bandung Continental Hotel

14 Jln. Papandayan

Bandung 20001

Jawa Barat

Dear Mr. Walter,

We have pleasure in sending you a copy of our catalogue, price-list and term of payment for order towel which designed specially for your hotel guest.

We are able to other a special discount of a 15 percent on all orders above Rp.15,000,000.00.

We are offering an article of the highest quality at a very reasonable price and hope you will take opportunity to try it.

We hope you will be pleased with the catalogue we send you and look forward to receiving your first order.

   Yours Sincerely,

      Rizki Susan S
Marketing Manager
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